Fees of the most common consular services,

effective from June 11, 2024


The fees for consular services in Egyptian Pound must be paid at the CIB bank branch next to the Embassy, on the basis of a payment order issued by the Consulate of the Embassy of Hungary in Cairo.

  The fees cannot be paid by credit/debit card or cash at the Embassy!



A leggyakrabban előforduló konzuli szolgáltatások megnevezése /

Most common consular services


Állampolgársági bizonyítvány / Citizenship certificate


Állampolgársági ügy / Citizenship case


Hazai anyakönyvezés (haláleset) / Registration of the death of a Hungarian citizen abroad


Hazai anyakönyvezés (házasság) / Registration of the marriage of a Hungarian citizen concluded abroad


Hazai anyakönyvezés (születés) / Registration of the birth of a Hungarian citizen abroad


Apai elismerő nyilatkozat / Acknowledgement of paternity


Hazai anyakönyvezés (válás) / Registration of the divorce of a Hungarian citizen's marriage concluded abroad


Anyakönyvi kivonat kiállítása / Issuance of a certificate of birth / marriage / divorce /death


Családi állapot igazolás / Issuing civil status certificate from the online registrar





90 napnál nem hosszabb tartózkodásra jogosító vízum díja (Schengeni vízum díja) /

Visa fee for short term stay not exceeding 90 days (Schengen visa fee)

C vízumdíj / C visa fee


C vízumdíj legfeljebb 6 éves gyermek részére / C visa fee for children up to 6 years old


C vízumdíj 6-12 éves gyermekek részére / C visa fee for children aged 6-12


C (EGT családtag) vízumdíj / C-EEA/visitor visa






90 napnál hosszabb tartózkodásra jogosító vízum díja (D vízum) /

Visa fee for staying longer than 90 days (D visa)

D vízumdíj / D visa fee




Vízumkérelmekkel kapcsolatos jogorvoslati kérelmek díja /

Fee of appeals related to visa applications

Jogorvoslat (D vízum) / Appeal against a D visa refusal


Jogorvoslat (C vízum) / Appeal against a C visa refusal




Hitelesítések díja / Fees of authentications

Felülhitelesítés (diplomáciai) / Legalization (diplomatic)


Hitelesítés (bemutatott másolat) / Certificate (presented copy)


Hitelesítés (magánszemély aláírása) / Certificate (signature of natural person)


Hitelesítés (másolat) / Certificate (copy)


Hitelesítés (bemutatott fordítás magyarra) / Certificate (translation presented in Hungarian)


Hitelesítés (kizárólag magyarországi cégjegyzés valódiságának tanúsítása) / Certification of Hungarian company registration


Hitelesítés (egyéb konzuli tanúsítvány) / Certificate (other consular certificate)




Magánútlevél kérelmek díja / Passport fees

Útlevél (12 év alatt) / Passport (under age 12 years)


Útlevél (12-18 év között) / Passport (age between 12-18)


Útlevél (12 év alatt, 2 gyermek esetén) / Passport (under age 12 years, in case of 2 children)


Útlevél (12 év alatt, 3 vagy több gyermek esetén) / Passport (under age 12 years, in case of 3 or more children)


Útlevél (12-18 év között, 2 gyermek esetén) / Passport (age between 12-18, in case of  3 or more children)


Útlevél (12-18 év között, 3 vagy több gyermek esetén) / Passport (age between 12-18 years, in case of 3 or more children)


Útlevél (5 éves, 18-65 év között) / Passport with 5 years validity (age between 18-65)


Útlevél (10 éves, 18-65 év között) / Passport with 10 years validity (age between 18-65)


Útlevél (65 év felett) / Passport (above age of 65)


Ideiglenes magánútlevél (hazatérés) / temporary private passport for returning home (to Hungary)




Egyéb konzuli szolgáltatások díjtételei / Fees of other consular services

Külföldön történt letelepedés bejelentése / Notification of intention to establish abroad


Erkölcsi bizonyítvány / Police Clearance Certificate (+Consular fee (outside Europe)+Certificate (copy))



Személyazonosító igazolvány iránti kérelem / Identification card - administrative fee




Felhívjuk figyelmét, hogy az útlevélkérelmek és egyéb konzuli ügyek esetében a következő konzuli díjat is meg kell fizetni:

Please note that for any passport applications, and for any other consular cases the following consular fee shall be paid in addition: 


Konzuli díj / Consular fee





As of 1 January 2019 third-country national family members of Hungarian citizens are excluded from the Act on the Admission and Residence of Persons with the Right of Free Movement and Residence, Act I. of 2007. (Szmtv), as well its implementing regulation (Szmvhr) and are subjects to the Act on the Admission and Right of Residence of Third-Country Nationals, Act II. of 2007. (Harmtv.) and its implementing regulation (Harmvhr).

Thus for third-country national family members of Hungarian citizens the possibility to apply for a so-called C-EEA/visitor visa is no longer available.

From now on third-country national family members of Hungarian citizens may choose from the following two options in visa procedures.

If the family member of a Hungarian citizen plans only a short-term stay the applicant needs to apply for a C (visit type) visa to which the general rules apply.

If the family member of a Hungarian citizen plans to stay for a period longer than 90 days, the applicant, on grounds of family reunification, may submit an application for a „D” type visa which at the same time entitles the applicant to obtain a residence permit (in case of accompanying or joining his/her Hungarian family member).

Please note that by submitting a visa application the applicable visa fee must be paid immediately.

It is important to highlight that this regulation does not apply for third-country family members of EEA nationals (non-Hungarian EEA national). They are still entitled to apply for C-EEA/visitor visa.”

In order for you to be eligible to a more favorable visa procedure as a family member of a national of a European Union Member State, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway or Switzerland (hereafter: EEA citizens), you are requested to provide evidence for the following:

Your close family member who is EEA citizen (including Hungarian nationals) is visiting or returning to Hungary.

Close family members are:

  • the spouse;
  • the partner with whom the EEA citizen has contracted a registered partnership, on the basis of the legislation of any EEA country, if the legislation of the host Member State treats registered partnership as equivalent to marriage;
  • the direct descendants who are under the age of 21 or are dependent as well as those of the spouse or partner as defined above; or
  • the dependent direct relatives in the ascending line and those of the spouse or partner as defined above.

You are in fact traveling with or joining your close family member on his/her trip to Hungary.